RWU | UC accepts work and life experience because experiential learning is at the core of what we do. We understand how education creates inclusiveness in our communities and country, so we also place a high value on community service and volunteer experiences.
Before you can submit your prior learning to be assessed for college credit you need to be able to identify college level learning. 你可能想从回顾你的简历开始, considering all your positions and making a list of the following:
- 你曾担任过的职位(FT和PT)
- 你做过的任何独立研究
- 任何你读过很多的领域
- 培训项目或在职工作坊
- 列出你参加过的所有志愿者工作
- 在国外生活或学习
- 组织会员
- 服兵役
- 文化艺术兴趣
- 娱乐消遣和爱好
- 旅游和文化体验
- 领导,指导
- 有公开演讲、演讲经验
- 社区服务宗教活动
- 不计学分的课程
- 美国服务队/和平队/外交服务队
在您完成此过程之后, you should have a good starting point to begin thinking about prior learning assessment. You may want to check our reviewed programs and certifications to see if something matches or is similar to your experience. You may also want to consider the general knowledge of the accumulated throughout your life. For example if you conduct meetings regularly present in front of staff or speak to groups of people, you may have a college level knowledge in subjects related to communication. Being able to articulate your generalized knowledge will assist you in the prior learning and portfolio process.
Once you submit your 先前学习评估 Application for either recognized accepted credit from our lists, 或者一个新的评估请求, you will receive notification of your request's status within 14 working days. 您将收到以下四项决定中的一项:
- 信用推荐批准
- 索取额外材料.
- 准备投资组合的建议
- 拒绝贷款
- 不符合居住积分的要求
- Will not satisfy credit load requirements for veterans benefits funding
- Is usually not excepted with third party financial assistance programs
- Will not be awarded for courses that are prerequisite for courses already completed
- 不能转学到其他院校
If you have questions, please reach out to the Director of Prior Learning, at UCPLA@mojie56.com
Please choose your situation from the drop down menus to better provide you with individualized information.
You should complete and submit a 先前学习学分申请. That application will ask you to provide some basic biographical information, and ask you some questions about your experience to determine your course of action. If the credit you want to assess has not previously been evaluated for credit, you will note that your experience is not on our approval list, 并回答一些问题和上传信息/证据. If it has been approved, you just need to click on it and upload your evidence. 您将被要求提供额外的信息. If you are doing this prior to choosing classes for the semester, we try to provide you an estimate of probably credits quickly to assist you in choosing the correct courses for the semester.
Please make sure that you upload the necessary documents to have your experience counted for college credit. 忽略提供完成文件, training or credential will result in your requests being denied. It is our policy not to review a duplicate request for credit.
你的信用评估通常需要14天. 您将收到有关决定的电子邮件通知. Credit will not be posted to your official transcripts until you are 1) registered for your first semester, 2)学期结束后.
货比三家选择最好的大学经历是很重要的, 我们知道,除了项目类型和专业, 出勤费用, 课程的灵活性, 和形态, prior learning assessment (PLA) is really the key to making your decision. 这是因为解放军会节省你的时间和金钱.
请与学前教育主任联系,地址是 UCPLA@mojie56.com 或者拨打401-254-3277安排一对一的会面, phone call or video chat to see what credits you can bring to RWU for your specific degree.
主任会告诉你需要哪些文件, 什么样的经历才有意义, 什么课程最适合你的经历. We take into consideration your personal goals and timeline to create customized degree plans as much as possible to fit you.
RWU |UC will provide you with all the information you need to make the most informed decision about your credential or degree because we want you to succeed.
在读学生可以提交一份 先前学习学分申请 在我们的名单上找到的任何先前的学习学分 for immediate credit. If it is not found on our lists, it will need to go through the assessment process. 使用相同的先前学习学分申请, students will provide the necessary details on the experience, 它将被送去评估.
Please make sure that you upload the necessary documents to have your experience counted for college credit. 忽略提供完成文件, training or credential will result in your requests being denied. It is our policy not to review a duplicate request for credit.
你的信用评估通常需要14天. 您将收到有关决定的电子邮件通知. Credit will be posted to your official transcripts as they are approved.
在你的申请过程中, you should receive correspondence via email directing you to the PLA Website. 你应该完成先前学习学分申请 在我们的名单上找到的任何先前的学习学分. If it is not found on our lists, it will need to go through the assessment process. 使用相同的先前学习学分申请, students will provide the necessary details on the experience, 它将被送去评估.
Please make sure that you upload the necessary documents to have your experience counted for college credit. 忽略提供完成文件, training or credential will result in your requests being denied. It is our policy not to review a duplicate request for credit.
你的信用评估通常需要14天. 您将收到有关决定的电子邮件通知. Credit will not be posted to your official transcripts until you are 1) registered for your first semester, 2)学期结束后.