金融 students manage real-money portfolios by making actual investment decisions in our high-tech trading room environment and learn all the business and finance fundamentals required for employment at corporations, 银行, 投资公司, 保险公司和政府机构.
学生 majoring in 金融 have the unique opportunity to gain hands-on 培训 that prepares them to work as a financial analyst on Wall Street and other major financial centers across the globe. 在 E. L. 维根高级金融教育中心 (咖啡馆), a select group of students strategize and execute their own stock trades while managing four real-dollar portfolios in real time. 的 most recent addition to the funds under management in the CAFE is a portfolio focused on companies that emphasize ESG (environmental, 社会和治理)问题. 每学期, the students also travel to the New York Stock Exchange and to global financial markets, 例如香港, 法兰克福, 和上海.
Gabelli商学院是由AACSB国际认证的, 全球最大的商业教育联盟. 这个称号保证我们达到最高标准, 因为全球只有5%的商学院拥有这种精英认证.
除了CAFE, Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED Financial Services Center offers students the experience of working in a trading room with real-time data from financial markets around the world. 我们的中心拥有最先进的技术.
Our Bloomberg Technology Lab represents another example of RWU’s commitment to using the latest technology in business education. 的 lab provides expanded access to terminals for analysis and Bloomberg certification 培训: the gold standard for jobs on Wall Street and in financial services more generally.
GSB students participate in internships giving them the skills and diverse experiences that are most desirable for employers and graduate school
GSB is among the 5% of business schools worldwide accredited by AACSB International, 全球最大、最精英的商业教育联盟.
Our GSB graduates consistently find success in employment or in graduate schools within 6 months of graduation.
我们在快速发展的商业分析领域的项目, 风险管理, 和体育研究可以补充任何商业专业. 的 业务分析 minor teaches you how to make effective decisions using data analysis and data visualization, 我们的三道菜 风险管理证书 focuses on how organizations protect themselves from a variety of risk challenges, 包括网络攻击, 自然灾害, 和恐怖主义. 跨学科的 体育的研究 minor helps students across various majors become well-versed in the issues of the sports world and prepares them for careers in this exciting and diverse industry.
Our accelerated options allow students to complete both undergraduate Business and graduate MBA degrees in four or five years.
3 + 1 mba
学生, 通过加速他们的本科学习, earn their Bachelor’s degree in three years and their MBA degree at the conclusion of their fourth year at the University.
4 + 1 mba
学生 in the 4 + 1 option complete their Bachelor’s degree within four years and their MBA degree at the conclusion of their fifth year at the University.
的认证 3+1或4+1工商管理硕士 课程允许学生同时获得B.S. 在四五年内获得MBA学位. 专为GSB本科生设计, this program provides a time- and cost-efficient way to earn your MBA in 0-1 additional year rather than the traditional two-year MBA degree programs.
这 加速3+3程序 允许符合条件的学生完成学士学位和法学博士学位.D. 六年拿到学位,而不是七年. Accepted students will take first-year courses in the 法学院 along with legal electives to fulfill undergraduate fourth-year requirements.
“的 Center for Career and Professional Development was really beneficial for me. 我想强调三个平台:握手, 罗杰连线, 和领英——用来寻找RWU校友. 在会计事务所工作竞争非常激烈. 私人关系和RWU校友的推荐给了我很大的帮助. 在我完成RWU之前,我已经有两份有竞争力的工作给我签了."
安永金融服务办公室(FSO)业务咨询人员 & 马萨诸塞州波士顿的Young.
更多: 金融项目,就业中心帮助毕业生在四大会计师事务所找到工作
“很多人都在寻找经验, 除非你找到一份工作或实习,否则你无法获得经验. RWU金融项目提供这两种服务. CAFE replicates industry, so you get real-time, industry-like hands-on experience."
"Being involved on campus gave me the opportunity to meet different types of people and use different types of skills. 在辅导时与人互动, 到公开演讲, 在CAFE中学习分析技巧, 我所有的经验都很有用."
马萨诸塞州剑桥市Akamai Technologies的副金融分析师.
更多: 一个真正的领袖和学者
RWU 金融 students gain real-world experience through a wide variety of internship opportunities. 通常,这些实习会带来全职工作机会. Most recently, our students intern and/or accepted positions at organizations including:
•布鲁耶特·基夫 & 森林(KBW)
•美林(Merrill Lynch)
•Alliance Bernstein
•高盛(Goldman Sachs)
的 商界女性 RWU的俱乐部是一个包容性的, 支持, 一群富有成效的女性和女性认同的商科学生. 作为会员, 你将受益于大量的机会, 包括嘉宾演讲环节, 网络, and experiential opportunities designed to support your personal and professional development as a future woman business leader. 通过我们的Ignite会议等活动, students are offered ways to network with fellow students and alumnae to learn best practices that apply to early career professionals.
Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International (的 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International. Juniors and seniors in the top 10 percent of their respective classes are invited to join.
没有问题! We have plenty of resources to help you explore your options at the 加贝利商学院 before making a decision. 访问 未申报业务 更多的.
要了解更多关于我们的学术课程,或查看完整的课程描述, 请参阅我们的大学目录.