
The 视觉艺术 department at Roger Williams University prepares students for future careers in the arts with an interdisciplinary spirit and a global perspective. The 视觉艺术 faculty consists of active artists who share their experience with students through lively and challenging discussions and critiques. Media exploration is encouraged throughout the 程序 and culminates in the creation of a cohesive body of work that reflects the individual student’s interests.

The major brings together students of diverse backgrounds who explore their creative interests through a range of media experiences. Emphasis of study is placed on historical as well as contemporary theories in the arts so that students may better place their own artwork within a larger context. Students in the 程序 balance craft and conceptual agility and new and traditional media to engage in an increasingly interdisciplinary world. The interdisciplinary nature of the 程序 allows students to explore multiple areas of interest that informs their creative work and gives students a broader skill-set than most arts 程序s. Our strength is the amount of attention given to each individual student-artist as they develop in the 程序 preparing them for a future career in the arts.


以适应我们的学生的教育和职业目标, 罗杰威廉姆斯大学为视觉艺术家提供两个学位课程文学学士或美术学士. The BA allows room for double majors or minors to explore a range of courses in the 视觉艺术 程序. 博鳌亚洲论坛允许学生在我们的专注领域发展媒体专注.


The 视觉艺术 Department prepares students to express effectively through visual communication, 的想法, 意见, 以及对个人的印象, 社会和审美方面的生活经验. 多样性, 股本 社会公正是我们项目的核心 which honors all individuals' identities, 文化和社区. Interdisciplinary exploration within and outside the 视觉艺术 is critical to the art-making process and is an essential aspect of the 程序. An education in the Arts develops creativity and problem-solving abilities and is a powerful preparation for all professional careers. Study in 视觉艺术 culminates in the creation of a developed body of work that reflects the expression of each individual student’s personal areas of interest.


视觉艺术 at Roger Williams University offers an approach to art making that is interdisciplinary by design while focused on the diverse interests of our individual students. 在传统和现代媒体工作, students take ownership of their personal vision and creative process to visually communicate their 的想法, 对我们周围复杂世界的观察和反思.


  1. 熟练掌握艺术创作的形式、材料和媒介.
  2. 在他们的艺术作品中有效地融入概念或叙事思想.
  3. 分析和沟通艺术作品的意义在书面和口头.
  4. 将他们的作品置于更大的历史、文化和当代背景中.



要了解更多关于我们的学术课程,或查看完整的课程描述, 请参阅我们的大学目录.


BFA candidates in 视觉艺术 have the option to develop an area of concentration within the Professional Degree in one of the above, 基于个人兴趣的四个媒体领域. 辅修视觉艺术的学生也可以选择这四个专业中的一个. A sequence of courses in a medium insures some level of proficiency in that medium beyond the introductory level.



  • 一个充满活力的学生和教师社区,有不同的兴趣.
  • 做讲座的访问艺术家, 每学期在校园举办展览并直接与VARTS学生合作.
  • 校园内外的半私人工作室.
  • 与RWU合作的实习项目 就业中心 & 专业发展.
  • 经常去普罗维登斯、纽约、波士顿等地的博物馆和画廊.
  • 在意大利佛罗伦萨以及全球其他地方留学.


罗杰威廉姆斯大学的视觉艺术课程是跨学科的设计. Students are expected to explore a range of media from painting and ceramics to photography and video. 通过不同媒体的体验, students are challenged to find their own voice as an artist in work that reflects their individual aims and interests.  我们的学生熟练掌握几种媒体, 经常将介质组合成新的和意想不到的杂交体. Students in VARTS at RWU routinely make high-quality work that we are proud to display throughout the campus community in our 校园艺术 程序


视频由Josue Garcia提供.

Students in 电影、动画和录像 courses are empowered to develop their individual voices and ambitiously pursue their interests with this time-based medium. 使用各种动画和视频制作工具, 从3D建模到实验视频, 学生建立叙事是为了与听众建立联系. Students create dynamic media exhibitions every semester and manage the RWU Student Film Festival. 


里德·埃尼斯的自画像调色板刀画. 从绘画开始, VARTS的学生学习将他们对周围世界的经验转化为标记, 线路和音调. Painting, both water-based and oil, provides an exploration of color principles and behaviors. 版画在素描和绘画之间架起了一座桥梁. 在所有媒体中,当代实践和艺术史先例都被强调.


摄影:Nicole Stevens. 摄影, 胶片和数码, 记录关系的是瞬间时间吗, 看到和建议, 摄影师和拍摄对象的关系. Students are encouraged to further their curiosities with all photo languages and media to better understand the mechanics and technologies that shape the culture and discipline of witnessing that is called photography.

雕塑 & 陶瓷

雕塑是过程导向的和实验性的, 在动态的工作室环境中结合智力和体力技能的发展. Students pursue their individual artistic interests through work in traditional and new genre sculptural practices including site-specific installation and collaborative work. 学生可以使用木工车间、陶瓷工作室和石膏 & fabrication facilities, and digital technologies, to create art in conversation with our time.




克里斯汀Fissell, RWU 2022届毕业生

Kristen completed many installations and exhibitions during her year with the 视觉艺术 程序, 她的大部分作品都在当时的Roger That展出! 画廊. She notes that her favorite class taken during her time with the 视觉艺术 程序 was Marking Spaces with Professor Elizabeth Duffy. 在这个先进的雕塑类, 克里斯汀说,她学会了如何以更大、更有影响力的方式占据空间.



  • 画廊助理及行政人员
  • 在公立学校、私立学校及工作坊的艺术教育教学
  • 杂志的艺术指导或作家
  • 设计顾问
  • 攻读研究生学位
  • 自由摄影师或拥有自己的企业作为设计师


The 视觉艺术 Department prepares students to express effectively through visual communication, 的想法, 意见, 以及对个人的印象, 社会, 以及生活体验的美学方面. Interdisciplinary exploration within and outside the 视觉艺术 is critical to the art-making process and is an essential aspect of the 程序. An education in the Arts develops creativity and problem-solving abilities and is a powerful preparation for all professional careers. Study in 视觉艺术 culminates in the creation of a developed body of work that reflects the expression of each individual’s areas of interest. 多样性, 股本, 社会公正是我们项目的核心, 尊重所有人的身份, 文化和社区.